Inspired by John Scalzis' blog 'Whatever' this is just a place to keep writing, what comes out will be whatever is at the top (or bottom) of my brain. Your expectations of what I create here, sorry to say, are none of my concern - don't take that the wrong way, I'm just trying not to write for feedback, as much as for the exercise of putting thoughts down. With that in mind, please enjoy, and let me know your thoughts if you feel so inspired.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Much later, at around 7 pm, I pulled over and watched as the setting sun moved between two layers of clouds, emerging fully just long enough to bath the world in light, before again sinking from view.
I didn't think I was supposed to be in either place until I got there and realized I was exactly where I should be, at just the second I should be there.
This life is a magical, beautiful trip.
Thanks for being wherever you are.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Slocan Blues (or greens, for that matter)
Now, this news wouldn't get much of a reaction - considering the sheer volume of grow-op busts and arrests our 6 billion dollar a year weed industry generates; it also at first doesn't sound as wild as some of our more memorable busts (my favorite all time is the semi truck at the ferry) - until the news of who was arrested got out.
You see, it turns out that two of the growers arrested were the son and husband of the current Slocan Mayor, Madeleine Perriere.
According to CBC, poor Maddie had no idea that her family was involved in such nefarious activities, and she has decided not to step down, stating that this is a family issue, not a professional one.
Um, no. Wrong.
I wouldn't want to say that just because someone holds a government office, that their entire lives, and the lives of their families, should become public knowledge, and to be fair, if the arrestee was a distant cousin, or back-country uncle, I wouldn't bat an eye. But we're not talking about some distant relative, only seen at the five year family reunion - we're talking spouse and offspring. And it's not like they cheated on their taxes - they were growing and exporting illegal drugs.
(sure sure, it's only pot right? The substance isn't the point - it's the blatant disregard for Canadian law that matters).
That makes it our business. The day she became mayor (regardless of the fact that Slocan only has around 350 people) of a Canadian town, she took on responsibilities for the public interest - like crime. How can the good people of Slocan expect her to keep their street (streets? Maybe) safe if she can't even keep track of what hubby is doing? Saying that she didn't know doesn't cut it. My mother didn't live with us in high school, and she still caught me a bunch of times just by chance. I can't imagine trying to grow the stuff and not having that eventually get out - this isn't a plant or two in a shed back in the woods, 600+ plants is a full time job and there's no way in my mind she could have missed it.
Now, the council backs her up, and I have to say it's not too surprising - how can they kick her out? A bunch of them are probably too busy right now trying to find new dealers, since the Perriere boys are out of business. Chances are half the town knew about this, including Mrs. Mayor, and they're just jumping through the necessary hoops to get everything back to normal (red eyed and hungry) as fast as possible.
BC bud is big business for a reason - people here smoke so much of it they've turned growing it into an art form that is recognized world wide, and it's the little towns, surrounded by vast forests, that create the best opportunity for stoners to get away and hone their growing skills.
Mayor Perriere will most likely remain in office - and why not? Really, by riding this out, she may create a powerful campaign point for her next run. I bet there's plenty of growers that would be happy to have someone who knows the business a little protecting their interests.
Personally, I don't care all that much if she stays or goes - I just don't like her saying that criminal activity by an officials immediate family is not a public issue. If you want to be in office, great, but you should clean your own house before you start pointing out dirt to the rest of us.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Now, I'm an adult male, and some would say that as an adult male I am perhaps not necessarily the intended audience of these films, and yet I find certain aspects of them to be incredibly fascinating - of course it's true that the plots generally have a moral hidden (not so subtly, you might even say blatantly - though I'm not sure if it's possible to 'blatantly' hide something) within the layers of a comedic story-line, and though I am generally one to appreciate such messages, they're not my real reason for watching these movies.
I watch them for the life they give our world, and for that reason it's the characters that matter to me, making the moral a secondary point - after all, anybody can think up a moral, it's the characters that make the film.
For example, I'm interrupting the beginning of 'Bee Movie' to sit and write this, and since I'm only at the beginning, I have no idea what the moral will bee (it was irresistible - I promise to only do that once) I have a suspicion that it will have something to do with not following the crowd, exploring new worlds, and showing ultimately that being different is not a bad thing - but that's just a guess, maybe it's about dental hygiene and the dangers of living around copious amounts of honey. It could happen.
the reason I know I'll like it is the characters and the intro - the movie starts off with narration and text saying:
"According to all known laws of aviation, there's no way a bee should be able to fly.
Its wing are too small to lift its fat little body off the ground.
The bee, of course, flies anyway -
because bees don't care what humans think is impossible."
I love that. I think it sets the whole tone - weather or not it has anything to do with the plot of the movie is immaterial to me - I think it's great. It tells me "Hey, heres a funny little joke - we're not going to take things too seriously here, so have fun" Now, being somewhat strange, I looked it up - and it's not true. The whole urban myth started because some scientist stated that a plane with wings the size of a bee, moving at the same speed as a bee, would not be able to achieve lift - after that the whole thing became kind of a running joke. So technically according to laws of aviation, a bee wouldn't be able to fly if it's wings didn't move, but they do, so that's that.
So, back to the movies - the general thing I love so much about movies like 'Bee Movie", "Bugs", and one of my favorites "Ants" is that they give human characteristics to creatures we generally see as emotionless - it humanizes them into lovable characters, presumably so we can identify with them.
For me that makes everyday life a little more fun - turning a family of honey bees into a stereotypical Jewish family is something that would never occur to me, nor would Danny Glover as a soldier ant, or stoner beetles, but it sure makes the tiny world beneath our feet a helluva lot more amusing.
Now some of this could be my own creative boredom; I've always given personality to creatures without, or stationary objects, and as a child all my toys had personalities and histories to back them up - but to see the same concept brought to life (and really, animation these days is almost as good as) makes me grin like a moron. Which unfortunately is what some people would think I am from reading this - but you see, I'm not simple, of stupid, or immature; I'm just a guy who prefers to add a little make believe to a world that says facts are facts.
I believe the folks at Dreamworks, Pixar and Disney would agree - just because we grow up, doesn't mean we can't have a little fun in our heads. Just try to keep it in there when you're in public.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
I have to say, even though it is the end of the summer (and here that means the start of the rainy season we call 'Winter') there are many things I love about September.
Aside from having the distinct privilege of being the month of my birth (haha), September is also the beginning of the most spectacular sunrises and sunsets of the year - one early morning last week, the sky was such a blazing red I actually went out to investigate, thinking that perhaps one of the neighboring houses to where I live was on fire (fortunately all was well) - each year, right around the middle of September, you will begin to see sunrises and sunsets that make you say "wow, I've never seen one so beautiful" and the next year you top it.
Now maybe some of this is due to global warming or harmful gasses, but I think that for the most part it's just the change in our relative position, and it sure makes up for the longer nights, to have such a spectacular end.
I also love the anticipation of fall - the leaves slowly begin to turn (I saw one fall off a couple days ago, and thought to myself "so it's begun...") the fog rolls into valleys and rises each morning with the days arrival, and stores begin to fill with Halloween and Christmas decorations (didn't they used to wait until Halloween was over to start selling reds and greens?) and so you know that the season of friends, family and feasting is just around the corner.
( I just got a mental image of a Turkey seeing the Christmas lights come on and saying "ah shit, that was quick")
Aside from the plight of birds and pigs though - it's a wonderful thing.
Each morning now, I smell the air as I walk outside, waiting for the first frost, the first day that smells of ice and wood smoke, that I know will send my mind back to a place of warmth and happiness from my past. For me it takes me to my Grandparents house in winter (real winter, the one with Snow) when everything is covered in deep snow drifts, and the whole world is hushed. Snow has that effect - especially freshly fallen - it's like the world is struck silent by the sheer beauty of the transformation that has occurred, and all you can hear is the soft crunch of your boots and the gentle creaking of frozen trees
And so I anxiously await that day, when the smell will tell me that fall has truly begun, and I can forget about everything else for just a brief second - just long enough for my trip back in time - and be reminded that even though it's rainy, even though it's dark, there's something special about this time of year - like spring this is a time of firsts, and that means there's always something to look forward to.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Let them fly kites!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Brave little bugs
Monday, September 13, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Beginning...
In the beginning there was...
Oh how I wish I had something very clever to start off with, but really, this isn't about being clever - so why start that way??
This is 'What I Think' and will be just that. Sometimes I think about clever things, things that could make the world a better place, things that make me feel something; and sometimes my thoughts are completely useless - so much so that I may wonder if just by having them, I am doing myself harm.
So, there's no point in trying to set a clever standard - my thoughts aren't always clever, helpful or even useful; they're just thoughts.